What is Google Analytics?
It is the world’s leading software for website analysis and it is used in about 3/4 websites in the world.
Sure, it can be used to “check where our visitors are from”, but let’s not underestimate it.
After including a Google Analytics script on the website our journey has just begun.
The most important usages
1. Website usage tracking helps us improve the website’s performance
2. We can decide on various marketing strategies based on input data and modify them accordingly
3. We can make better business decisions
Yes, there are several frequently used reports like: which pages are the most visited, how many visitors were on our website, how long they stayed, from which countries they came, but let’s dive a bit deeper.
Imagine that you have just launched a new website with Google Tag Manager script for analytics. You made a post about your new business on various social media, you have set up Google Adwords with paid advertisement and you handed some leaflets on an international business fair related to your business activity. You still don’t have Google search traffic since your page is brand new. That is why you set up various channels to attract at least some visitors. Google search traffic is represented by the word “organic” in Google Analytics, by the way.
Using Google Analytics you will be able to see which of your marketing efforts or even which social network performs better. Business fair visitors entered your URL directly so you will be able to distinguish them from those who came from various social media. If your goal was just to make your brand awareness, then you can easily realize which marketing strategy performs better.
You can identify those who were not really interested in your website by checking the “bounce rate”. Higher the bounce rate is, visitors are less satisfied with what they found on your website.
You could now feel like an expert, but we have just scratched the surface.
Let’s say you have two digital marketing campaigns, one on Google and one on Facebook. Each of them is composed of two different ads. You gave a unique identifier to each ad of each campaign. Now, although you can track which ad performs better in ad tracking software, in Google Analytics you can see how visitors behaved when visited your website. Are Facebook visitors really those you should spend your money on? Which of your pages they have visited next or did they leave soon after they landed on your website? Now you will have those answers.
Or this situation: you have a really good UI designer, and both of his designs for landing page for your product look sharp. Yet, you cannot decide which one to use. Why not use both of them and see which one is better received? The only difference is that they have a call to action on different spots. You can give a unique identifier to each landing page call to action button and see which button performed better. Sounds interesting so far? Well, you can do even more. We will cover more on the subject in some of our future articles.
Valuable business support
In the end, it is all about making the right business decisions by deciding on various (digital) marketing strategies – with the help of Google Tag Manager code set up correctly.
If you would like to know more, drop us a line, we’ll be happy to help!