SDEWES Conference app

Mobile App


  • SDEWES Centre


  • UX / UI Design
  • UX Copy
  • Graphic Design


  • User interviews
  • Paper prototypes
  • User testing


  • Wireframes
  • Digital prototype
  • More user testing

Case Study

This client, as a conference organizer needed an app which will help both: conference participants and event organizer. Participants needed a tool that will help them find the info they need about their presentation time, near events and conference organizer needed to pass them their to-do list in a not invasive way.


The task was to make it simplest possible to reduce possible additional questions which would, in turn, give organizer the time to concentrate more on other tasks related to the conference.


Login screen is included since users can be only registered scientists. This version of the app features only one conference since the conference in 2017 was the first one to have this app offered. The logo was provided by the client. App color used is client logo color, which for this purpose is used in its white version.


Mobile app consists of the list of the functions needed to guide the conference participant through the conference. It also has push notifications which conference participant receives before the conference in order to comply with his deadlines.